
Kiev '41 Kickstarter Edition

Product no.: K41KS

In stock

Regular Price 90.00 €
plus delivery
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg

Customer ratings for Kiev '41 Kickstarter Edition

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
from on 11/16/2019
The components, player aids, and map are visually stunning. The rule book is well organized and easy to read. Plenty of examples. The player aid cards have rules reference numbers printed on them so reference is quite easy and speedy. I love the HQ activation system and the way Blitzkrieg tactics are dealt with. So many tough choices each turn beginning with deciding on specific strategy for how to use your turn - Giving up the initiative and choosing Strategic decisions involving bringing in reinforcements or keeping the initiative and activating HQ and moving their assigned formations. But activation of HQ can lead to exhaustion so your troops can't be pushed every single turn. I find the system very elegant with chrome and details galore but without adding much complexity. Kiev '41 is my first purchase from Vento Nuovo. It won't be my last.

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