Privacy policy

Safe Shopping Guarantee
Your security and privacy are of utmost importance to us. When you place an online order with VentoNuovo Games, our secure server software encrypts the information you submit, ensuring that your transaction is private and protected. Your personal information cannot be read as it travels to our ordering system. If you still do not wish to submit your credit card information online, you may phone in your credit card number.

Privacy Pledge

We keep your personal information private and secure. We use this information to process your order and to keep you updated on your order. We will never sell, trade or give away your personal information. Everything you submit remains private and confidential.

This website uses etracker technology ( by which anonymous data is collected and saved for marketing and optimisation purposes. All visitor data is saved using an anonymous user ID to aggregate a usage profile. Cookies may be used to collect and save this data, but the data is not personally identifiable. The data will not be used to identify a visitor personally and is not aggregated with any personal data. The collection and storage of data may be refused at any time, with effect for the future.

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